Our team is dedicated to helping patients access medications and therapies needed so they can enjoy active, fulfilling lives.


HIV attacks the CD4 cells, this is a subtype of T-cells that is for fighting infections in the body. Which, in turn, removes the body's capability to defend itself against infections.

The symptoms of HIV differ from person to person. A person with HIV may show symptoms different from another.

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Early Stage HIV Symptoms:

  • 1. Fever
  • 2. Muscle and joint aches
  • 3. Night sweat
  • 4. Rashes
  • 5. Fatigue
  • 6. Sore throat
  • 7. Mouth ulcers
  • 8. Upset stomach
  • 9. Swollen lymph nodes

Sex with other HIV-positive people

HIV positive people have unprotected sex with ther HIV postive partners. There are several reasons that include pleasure and intimacy. However if you are both positive there are some important things to consider that many HIV doctors and HIV prevention workers suggest you should be aware of so you can be informed for any decision made about sex.

These issues include:

A risk of pregnancy that is the result of unprotected sex between a man and woman. The risk is transmitting HIV to the baby, when a HIV positive man has unprotected sex with an HIV negative woman who is pregnant or breast feeding. However with treatment proactive care, it is possible for an HIV positive woman to give birth to an HIV negative baby.

Unprotected sex puts you at resk of other STDs, this applicable to both men and women.



PEP stands for POST- EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS. It is the type of HIV medication prescribed to a person infected with the virus. These medications are given soon after a person gets the infection. PEP medicines prevent the virus from compromising the immune system.

This treatment must be administered within the 1st 72 hours of exposure to HIV. If not the medication may not be effective.

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